WYD Saints

Video Description:

This video is about the saints and what they are remembered doing.

Contest: 2013 Goodness Reigns “Share the Story”

Created By: Erick Cortez
Parish/School Name: Trinity Junior High School
Location: Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA
Experience Level:
Filmmaker Age:
Video Length:
2 min 50 sec

Erick Cortez
Lani Meares
Jackson Mendenhall
Regina Coloso
Haymee Giuliani

Filmmaker Bio: My name is Erick Cortez and I am 14 years old. I attend Trinity Junior High School which is a private Catholic School. My team and I decided to make this video after we heard about the contest from our Spanish teacher, Mrs. Haymee Giulani. This video was filmed with her supervision.

YOUCAT/Catechism Inspiration: Saints

5 comments on “WYD Saints

  1. Goodness Reigns on said:

    “Believe and you can achieve!!” That’s such an important point to make for everyone, particularly for the people at your school. I love that you focused on the saints! They show us how to practice our faith and have the courage to make the right choice when challenged in a variety of ways.

    I also liked that you started with a Q & A that involved students at your school and then gave some examples from the lives of saints. They do inspire!

    God bless you and thanks for participating!

  2. Judges' Comments on said:

    Your topic is one with great potential: saints, including how to be one. It is important that technical problems do not distract the viewer. The film had sound problems (difficulty in hearing the spoken word), as well as camera shaking, lighting issues, etc. In addition, the film had a fatal flaw: naming Martin Luther a saint. I encourage the makers of this film to do some legitimate research. Martin Luther is about the furthest thing from a saint in the Church’s history. Secondly, it was hard to know whether the filmmakers were talking about saints declared by the church or “living saints.” This needs to be clearer. When making a movie, think storytelling, accurate storytelling.”
    -Fr. John Bromwich

    [Note: Contact suzanne@goodnessreigns.com and I can put you in contact with Fr. Bromwich who would be happy to discuss more about Martin Luther. This would be a great opportunity to delve into important church history. God bless!]

  3. Mike Udouj on said:

    This is very important to be reminded of the saints and their work Great going and good luck at WYD

  4. Letitia H. Marsh on said:

    Our projects! GREAT job!!!!!!

  5. Norma on said:

    Love the video!!

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