We Live Only Once

Video Description:

This is a talk, along with a drama, based upon a quote from St. Maximilian Kolbe, which basically states that we all can and must become saints for we live only once.

Contest: 2013 Goodness Reigns “Share the Story”

Created By: Ernest Garcia
Location: East Fallowfield, PA, USA
Experience Level: Beginner
Filmmaker Age: 22
Video Length: 6 min 36 sec

Filmmaker Bio:
I was born in Chicago, IL in 1990, and raised Catholic. When I was about 16, I reverted to the faith and took it seriously. I’ve graduated from high school, spent two years in seminary studying for the priesthood, and am now waiting to enter a religious order.

YOUCAT/Catechism Inspiration:
Catechism #2013 – It basically says that we are all called to the perfection of charity. We are all called to be saints.

4 comments on “We Live Only Once

  1. Judges' Comments on said:

    The “Memento”-style storytelling was very inventive, but the reveal at the conclusion seemed somewhat contrived (the boy would have driven to the youth event, thus saving his life, but walked to the party, causing his death) and heavy-handed. The impact of the visual story was blunted somewhat by the monologue shots, which suffered from noticeable lighting and sound issues. My favorite aspect of the film was that it had some creative visual elements, and the story was told with great passion. I would love to see what the filmmaker could do with a more intimate story and a more hopeful ending. Excellent use of music to enhance the power of the story.
    -Sean Herriott

    Film may have been tightened up and shortened so as not to come off as preachy. I was longing for the message to include the transformation of the Kingdom as well as personal conversion.
    -Fred Fosnacht

    This video combines great narration/text with a compelling plot that underscores the message being delivered. The ending sequence really drives the main point home.
    -Lisa Hendey

  2. Judges' Comments on said:

    Blown away. Fantastic combination of visual and story-telling to create a hard-hitting but positive message to strive to be holy. St. Maximilian was very involved and innovative with the Catholic Media of his day and feel if he were here today creating for the Catholic Media he would also create a no-holds barred, direct, and straight-forward message that was compelling and inspiring. Job well done.
    -J. David Pace

  3. Sr. Helena Burns, fsp on said:

    Nice twist on YOLO! :)

  4. Roxane B. Salonen on said:

    There was so much packed into this video! I really appreciated how you wove in the secondary element of those certain hours of a young man’s life, starting with one possible end, and rewinding to lead into another possibility. It shows how our actions have consequences, sometimes deadly, but it also empowers us to make the right, life-giving choices. The ending was particularly powerful with the two choices blatantly set before the young man, and we are left to wonder how it turns out for him, and are challenged in turn in our own choices. Nicely done!

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