Catholic Teachings & Traditions

Video Description:

The video is about the story of Nuntius who shares some of the Catholic teachings & traditions that have helped to shape him. In a way, it’s like a sermon. It is the story of a lot of us who have found a deeper knowledge of God that leads to a deeper love for God and for our neighbors.

He tells and reminds us to know God very deeply first through the Roman Catholic Church, so that we may better love and have a better relationship with Jesus, Mary, the angels, saints, our neighbors & nature.

The film was shot at 1080p, 30 fps in .m4v format. It has been reduced to non-HD, zipped at around 85MB so it can be uploaded faster.

Contest: 2013 Goodness Reigns “Share the Story”

Created By: Alvin Chan
Location: Las Pinas City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Video Length:
7 min 00 sec

Filmmaker Bio:

I’m Roman Catholic and I do my best to love God and others. I go to mass daily and I pray the rosary because I sin every day (mostly venial). The holy mass is the best way to minimize the gravity of the sins and decreases the inclination, to especially, mortal sins so that you increase your chances of becoming a canonized saint.

My God-given gifts are generally in the visual arts (digital and traditional, usually graphite/pencil) guitar playing, analysis, simplification of complex things (technical and non-technical). I’m into Apple products and I do use Windows for games, diagnostic tools & entertainment.

God is the one who truly makes things happen. I just do my best to follow my conscience and make it a habit, especially when there’s pressure, to ask God, what should I do next? And I always see things that didn’t go out as planned, as blessings in disguise because if that’s what God allowed, His will should be done. It’s all part of God’s Great Plan and I know that He has a better plan anyway. This decreases a lot of frustrations, doubt and lack of faith.

I always remind myself that the greatest vice is sloth, and the second would be gluttony because it’s good to know one’s self through the 7 deadly sins and the 7 virtues as well, along with comparing what we’ve done with the Ten Commandments, so that our weaknesses can be corrected, then prevented and our virtues made stronger.

The motto or statement I always share with others is: “Attend daily mass, recite the rosary daily, desire to become canonized saints. God’s love and God is enough; the rest is secondary. After attending mass, the other activities will become secondary. We came from nothing–all good things are from God.”

I love to end my messages with: God bless.

YOUCAT/Catechism Inspiration: Prologue – I. The life of man – to know and love God

3 comments on “Catholic Teachings & Traditions

  1. Judges' Comments on said:

    Keep working. It’s a creative start, but needs more work in keeping the viewer engaged.
    -J. David Pace

  2. Roxane B. Salonen on said:

    Through using words as a primary vehicle, you’ve given us much to ponder here. It’s powerful to see how all these words all add up, being parts of this one big faith that God has given us to grow closer to him and be with him forever in eternity. Thanks for honoring words and offering them as a way to saturate our soul with truth.

    • alvin777 on said:

      Thank you Roxanne:) I’m but an messenger/instrument. It’s great it’s God’s will (do always ask God about what to do, how to do it, if He wants you to do or say it) I share most of the significant teachings I’ve learned from our wonderful Church in the shortest time as possible. God bless.

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