Founded in Genuine Love: The Dignity of Women

Video Description:

This inspiring documentary focuses on the dignity of women as taught by the Church and experienced in real life. It incorporates information on the strong female role models of St. Edith Stein and St. Catherine of Siena.

Award Category: High School Group Award
Video Category: Church Teachings
Church/School/Group: Immaculate Conception Academy
Created By: Tori Backstrom
Location: Wakefield, RI

4 comments on “Founded in Genuine Love: The Dignity of Women

  1. Camila Tirado on said:

    WOW ! I love it.
    My big sister is in it <3

  2. maria k on said:

    I am so proud of the PCs! I can’t wait to join them for WYD in Spain. I wish we could vote more than once because than I would vote a million times!

  3. Maribeth R on said:

    I saw this video on facebook, actually, where a number of my friends had commented on it. Thank you for promoting this message. Since I’ve been home, I’ve realized more than ever that so, so, so many girls don’t get this…and often end up hurt because of it.
    Great job, PCs! It was very well done. I hope everyone is doing well…I’ve been meaning to write a letter for awhile.

  4. Suzanne on said:

    You cover a lot of ground in this informative and inspiring video. A great job with the interviews and incorporating a variety of reflections on womanhood. I love that you mentioned strong female role models, St. Edith Stein and St. Catherine of Siena. Thank you!

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