Reaching Out
- The Best!
- Creative!
- Best Music
- Best Acting
- Inspiring!
- I Agree!
Video Description:
Contest: 2015 Rosary Contest
Created By: Jacinta Boudreau
Location: Southbridge, MA, USA
Experience Level: Moderate
Filmmaker Age: 21
Filmmaker Bio: I’ve been making movies since I can remember.
Thank you so much everyone!
I am so happy that it touched lives, if at least in a little way! Deo Gratias <3
People (like me) who see your film can more easily see the cost of door to door evangelism and its rewards. May Our Father use your video to send forth more laborers. The harvest is ripe!
This is amazing! you have no idea how inspiring this is to me! Take heart! For you are touching them!!!
God bless!
Dear Jacinta and crew, I love the missionary zeal you capture in this short–film from the shots at the beginning as the young man prepares himself to the timid sign of the cross by the young woman towards the end. It’s courageous work–keep it up!