A Day in the Life of a Priest

Video Description:

Due to an emergency call, a priest administers the last rites to a dying skateboarder. It shows that the priest must be Jesus in every situation. In this case, he gives the dying boy strength for the final passover from death into eternity.

Contest: 2013 Goodness Reigns “Share the Story”

Created By: Rafael Figueroa
Napa, CA, USA
Experience Level:
Filmmaker Age:
Video Length:
0 min 51 sec

Filmmaker Bio: I am a middle-school student who enjoys making Lego stop-animation films. I am making my Confirmation soon and am really looking forward to attending World Youth Day as a way of preparing for it.

Cast and Crew: Director and Producer: Rafael Figueroa
Editor: Rafael Figueroa
Camera Crew: Rafael Figueroa
Priest: Rafael Figueroa
Girl: Olivia Figueroa
Driver: Sean Ryan

YOUCAT/Catechism Inspiration:

I was inspired by the part of the YOUCAT that talks about the Sacraments: How We Celebrate the Christian Mysteries.

2 comments on “A Day in the Life of a Priest

  1. Goodness Reigns on said:

    This is an entertaining approach that is sure to attract the eyes of young and old. Thanks for submitting! I hope you continue to develop this type of filmmaking and submit other films.

  2. Judges' Comments on said:

    I applaud you for depicting an element of the priesthood in a creative way! My advice to you in depicting scenes in films is to do the extra work to be sure they are accurate….A little research would have revealed you used the wrong words, and yes, the words accompanying a Sacrament are all-important!
    -Fr. James Bromwich

    “A Day in the Life of…” is a unique style, I enjoyed it – nicely done. God bless!
    -Nicholas Langlois

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