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Mission of Goodness Reigns

--To provide an impetus that inspires and motivates youth, young adults and adults to better understand the Catholic faith through researching and producing short films on the history, teachings, sacramental life and missionary calling of those within the Catholic Church.


--To generate and create a repository of short films that will effectively reach and teach Catholics and others through its website,


--To serve as a springboard for cultivating goodness in one’s life by seeking physical, emotional and spiritual well being.

Vision of Goodness Reigns

We believe in the seed of goodness that resides and can grow in every person, even those living in darkness.


We believe that when coupled with technology’s power, personal witness to Truth, Beauty and Goodness in action can illuminate the darkness.


We believe in the fullness of the human experience—accepting of suffering but also encompassing freedom and joy—revealed through and inherent in living a life aligned with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the church he founded.


We believe in acknowledging and igniting the baptismal call within Christians to “go and make disciples of all nations” through word and deed. (Matthew 28:19)


We believe in exploring the history of the Catholic Church and the lives of those involved in it to illustrate the meaning of redemptive suffering and to explore the Paschal Mystery.


We believe in church teachings that follow Natural Law and respect the dignity of each person, born and unborn.

Goodness Reigns Prayer
May your many different paths all lead to that infinite Ocean of beauty where wonder becomes awe, exhilaration, unspeakable joy.

May you be guided and inspired by the mystery of the Risen Christ, whom the Church in these days contemplates with joy.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always; she is the ‘tota pulchra’ (‘all beautiful’) whom Dante contemplates among the splendours of Paradise as ‘beauty that was joy in the eyes of all the other saints.

’ May your art help to affirm that true beauty which, as a glimmer of the Spirit of God, will transfigure matter, opening the human soul to the sense of the eternal.


(from Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Artists”)